Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hurry up May!

As January comes to a close the weight of being in the middle months of Micah's deployment is being felt by all. He says he doesn't need anything so let's fight the slump. Post a poem, prayer, song, joke, note, article or whatever - to cheer on Micah and inspire us all. Starting us off is a poem Micah wrote that says it all - and some pictures to remind us - these men and women volunteered for this - 1% of the entire population of our country defends us all - willingly. They've got my admiration. Micah will be able to come for leave in May just in time for his girlfriend Alli's graduation from Auburn (and many of his friends) and his sister Elise's graduation from Vestavia High School. So - Hurry Up May!
"I Never Meant To Be A Hero"

I never meant to be a hero.
I raised my right hand to fight for our land,
To serve with honor and to serve with pride,
For my people I would give my life,
But, I never meant to be a hero

Now as I walk this land
Boots covered with sand, weapon in hand, I ask Why?

Why give up my girl, my life, my world?
For a country so dark, so desolate, so grim
Filled with sin and hate for my men.

Why would I want to be your hero?

But, then I realize, as I drive by -
I see you run as fast as you can, across the hot sand
No shoes on your feet, just to greet - Me!

I see the huge smile on your dirty little face,
as I race across your land, you extend your hand
thumb raised high, towards the sky
I then realize

Because, I am your Hero!

the hooch
below is one of Saddam's palaces

below Micah is on the left and to the right is a view in Night Vision


Anonymous said...

Hey Micah and Everyone...Hope you are doing well.

I can not wait to see you, Ali and Emy (Elise, Alexander, your mom and dad too) in May...YIPPEE!!! This is a frist for me to say this but, time can not go fast enough. I think about you all the time and wonder where you are in Iraq and what are you doing.

Hey someone's Birthday is coming in March and I need to know what you want. Email me and let me know! 22 years old ... when did you become a man? It seems like yesterday you were having your 9th Birthday party at my house with a sleep over of nine friends (I am Crazy Aunt Kathy). I will spare you the details of that party as to not embarrass you on your blog.
*** Note to Ali : I'll get with you later on this subject. It's really good!

It's been snowing here a little everyday and the temp. is around 7 degrees...brrrrrrrr!

FYI : You will always be MY hero...I loved the poem!!

Take good care of yourself and stay away from the bombs you're scaring your Grandmother!

Love you!!!

P.S. 4 more days until the Super Bowl, I hope you can watch the game...THINK BLUE...GO COLTS!!

Allikat27 said...

Whoooo-hooooo!!! Go Colts!!! I Tivo-ed the game so if you want me to save it till May when you come home I will. That way you can watch your Colts kick some major Bears butt!!! It was a grrrreat game! Congrats to your team! I love you sweetheart! Hope everything's going ok. I miss you like crazy!! LOVE YOU!!! (Oh and P.S.~ Aunt Kathy I would absolutly LOVE to hear your stories about the birthday part etc.... haha Go COLTS!!! )

Anonymous said...

Hey Micah and Everyone...

Well I guess you know by now our COLTS WON THE SUPER BOWL. How about them COLTS...Can you believe it! YAHOOOOOOOOO! I'm so happy! The parade downtown yesterday was awesome, Micah you would have loved it! They had a rally in the RCA Dome too. It funny how a simple football game can give us hope here in the U.S. and you give us hope in Iraq. Here is to the next Super Bowl game, Just think, you'll be home watching that game!

The news media was showing some of the soldiers having a Super Bowl Game of their own at one of Saddem palaces. Just wondering if that was your troop?

Oh by the way...I love the pictures!! Thanks for sharing them!

We love you Micah very much, one day closer to May! I can't wait! Take good care of yourself! Always remember :

What you are is God's gift to you but what you make of yourself is your gift to God!

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah
You do not know me,but I am your Gramdmother's neighbor. I just want to say Thank you for fighting for our country to keep us free. Your poem is beautiful. You are someone to be proud of.
You and everyone over there are in my prayers. My Godson "Bryan Smedley" is over there with you if you know him.
My you come home safe soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Micah and everyone...

It's Valentine's Day and I know how much you would love to be home with Alli and the rest of the family, we would love to have you home too. So here is a warm hug from me to you, I hope you can feel it! Just think, next year this time you will be here. YIPPEE!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone...I'm thinking of you all. Be safe, take care and know you are loved!!!!

Crazy Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah,

Just wanted you to know that the Wey family and everyone here in Indy are thinking of you and praying for you every day. It's pretty awesome that your mom made this blog to keep us all posted.

I hope we can see you when you get back. Especially Jesse and I. It's been a long time since we've hung out. Maybe we can run barefoot in the snow in our swimming trunks like old times.... :)

God bless you and keep you over there; and thank you for the sacrifice you're making for us.


p.s. It was awesome here for the Super Bowl. Some of us were able to go downtown right after the game and it was crazy...bitter, freezing cold and thousands of people running, screaming, cheering, hugging and dancing in the streets. It was really probably one of the funnest nights of my life. Go Colts!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Micah and everyone...

Your poem inspired me so I thought I would give it a whirl. So this is for you Micah from you Crazy Aunt Kathy's heart. Love you!!

What is a Solider?

What is a Solider is that what you ask?
They are a super hero without the mask.
They risks their lives every moment of the day
For people they don’t even know, but they choose to stay.
Why would someone do this for me and you?
Because in their hearts they know what they have to do.

What is a Solider is that what you ask?
Someone who looks tough and carries out their tasks.
They put trust in their leadership and in their fellow man.
And when it comes to life or death, they put that into God’s hands.
They travel all over the world and leave the ones they love
In the summer or winter without even a glove.

What is a Solider is that what you ask?
They wait for the enemy in the sands where there is no grass.
They are Mothers and Father - Brothers and Sisters
They walk hot sand and their boots give them blisters.
Do they complain and can you hear them?
Never a word even when things look grim.
They would carry the wounded on their back
And never give up and that’s a fact.

What is a Solider is that what you ask?
They are real men and women not a movie cast.
And when the day is over and there goes the sun
I will thank each and every one of them for what they have done.

By: Crazy Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hey Micah and everyone...

I hope all is well with everyone!

I revised the poem I wrote for you, I think I like it a little better. Here it is:


What is a Soldier is that what you ask?
They are a super hero without the mask.
They risks their lives every moment of the day
For people they don’t even know, but they choose to stay.
Why would someone do this for me and you?
Because in their hearts they know what they have to do.

What is a Soldier is that what you ask?
Someone who looks tough and carries out their tasks.
They put trust in their leadership and in their fellow man.
And when it comes to life or death, they put that into God’s hands.
They travel all over the world and leave the ones they love
In the summer or winter without even a glove.

What is a Soldier is that what you ask?
They don't run when they hear a blast.
They are Mothers and Father - Brothers and Sisters
They walk hot sand and their boots give them blisters.
Do they complain and can you hear them?
Never a word, even when things look grim.
They would carry the wounded on their back
And never give up and that’s a fact.

What is a Soldier is that what you ask?
They are real men and women not a movie cast.
They stand at attention so proud and stern
They go to war when it is their turn.
I support them whole heartily, let's make that clear.
When I think of them, I shed a tear,
And when the day is over and there goes the sun
I will thank each and every one of them for what they have done.

By: Crazy Aunt Kathy Wiley

Oh by the.. I mailed your birthday present to you yesterday. There are 2 parts to it. Part one is going to Iraq and Part two is being mailed to your Mom & Dad's. It will be there when you come home (it's something I didn't think you could have in Iraq).

I can't wait to see you in May...YIPPIE!!!!!

I love you, take care and God Bless!