Monday, October 30, 2006

October in Ramadi

Micah is doing well. This is a picture from about a month ago when he was in Kuwait. He has begun his work in Ramadi, though we don't know exactly what that is. Though there has been an escalation of action in the area he said where he is, he has been out of harms way. He said that they work hard, eat well and then fills his down time with a college course he's taking online, emails and messin around. They did get their tv/dvd but are still waiting for internet in their rooms. He can get to internet access in a common area that he can go to. He said so far time seems to be moving fast. One month down - 11 to go. He is on the edge of every thought and his calls are priceless. His voice sounded introspective and focused. He loves getting emails and mail; cards, letters and packages. He is thankful for all your encouragement and prayers. So far it has taken about a week for letters to arrive and 8-10 days for packages. Thank you for all you all are doing to uphold Micah during this time - till he gets home.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Journal #2

Micah is now in Ramadi, Iraq. (this pix is from Ft. Benning, GA - his gun - sorry- his weapon has been named Lucy)
He has begun his work on the base there and is doing fine. He said it is dusty and sandy. They have seen and heard a few explosions but were not close when they occured. They have yet to work out of the base area, but will soon have a mission outside the compound. He lives in a dorm like room in the BOB- (his secure base) with 5 other soldiers. Were you as worried as I was about the conditions he would be living in? Well not to worry, at least while he's in this area - outside this perimeter is probably another issue. They have many conveniences: a small refrigerator, a microwave, they just bought a TV and what I was most concerned about, an air conditioner. His bed is an upper bunk with the space below set up for personal use (like a little office).

They will get internet service soon. He said he'll send pictures when that is hooked up. Micah does have a lap top so will be able to email as soon as that service is connected. Until then there is an area close to his residence where he can make phone calls (international calling cards would be greatly appreciated) and get online. Though his time/usage of both is limited. You can email him at and he'll pick them up as soon as he can.

When not working they hang out together - right now they are hooked on the "Prison Break" series (on DVD). (See the list in his profile section for things he needs and things he'd like to have) He is able to get mail now and would love to hear from you. He said thank you for all your prayers and support - He loves you all!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Journal #1

Micah is currently in Kuwait. He will leave for Iraq sometime in the next few weeks as far as we know. (you are going to hear that phrase a lot). The last I heard was that he would be headed somewhere outside Ramadi. The one thing I do know is that we won't know exactly where he is. But I will post all that I hear and all that I know so you can be as up to date as possible.

I talked with him two weeks ago just before he left the Untied States. He has called once since then but I missed him. I had laid my cell phone down for 10 minutes and of course this is when he called. So now I have it chained to my wrist - I won't miss another call if I can help it. He has called Alli, his girlfriend. She will keep me up to date too. He said the base in Kuwait is really nice. It has a Burger King and Taco Bell - so the man is happy! He also started a college class. Good use of any down time he might have. He misses everyone and sends his love. Thank you for your love, prayers and support. God is with him and so are we.