Sunday, October 01, 2006

Journal #1

Micah is currently in Kuwait. He will leave for Iraq sometime in the next few weeks as far as we know. (you are going to hear that phrase a lot). The last I heard was that he would be headed somewhere outside Ramadi. The one thing I do know is that we won't know exactly where he is. But I will post all that I hear and all that I know so you can be as up to date as possible.

I talked with him two weeks ago just before he left the Untied States. He has called once since then but I missed him. I had laid my cell phone down for 10 minutes and of course this is when he called. So now I have it chained to my wrist - I won't miss another call if I can help it. He has called Alli, his girlfriend. She will keep me up to date too. He said the base in Kuwait is really nice. It has a Burger King and Taco Bell - so the man is happy! He also started a college class. Good use of any down time he might have. He misses everyone and sends his love. Thank you for your love, prayers and support. God is with him and so are we.

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