Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Journal #2

Micah is now in Ramadi, Iraq. (this pix is from Ft. Benning, GA - his gun - sorry- his weapon has been named Lucy)
He has begun his work on the base there and is doing fine. He said it is dusty and sandy. They have seen and heard a few explosions but were not close when they occured. They have yet to work out of the base area, but will soon have a mission outside the compound. He lives in a dorm like room in the BOB- (his secure base) with 5 other soldiers. Were you as worried as I was about the conditions he would be living in? Well not to worry, at least while he's in this area - outside this perimeter is probably another issue. They have many conveniences: a small refrigerator, a microwave, they just bought a TV and what I was most concerned about, an air conditioner. His bed is an upper bunk with the space below set up for personal use (like a little office).

They will get internet service soon. He said he'll send pictures when that is hooked up. Micah does have a lap top so will be able to email as soon as that service is connected. Until then there is an area close to his residence where he can make phone calls (international calling cards would be greatly appreciated) and get online. Though his time/usage of both is limited. You can email him at and he'll pick them up as soon as he can.

When not working they hang out together - right now they are hooked on the "Prison Break" series (on DVD). (See the list in his profile section for things he needs and things he'd like to have) He is able to get mail now and would love to hear from you. He said thank you for all your prayers and support - He loves you all!

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