Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 is finally here!
The countdown was not as the ball dropped to welcome the New Year... But began the instant the ball landed heralding 2007 and we were able to cross off one day --And will continue to do so, marking one day off at a time until Micah comes home.

Micah received so much at Christmas.
Thank you all!

The gifts were timely and needed. The DVD's and games are much appreciated, helping to relieve stress and tension on those days off, in between missions. He did say that he has lots and lots of snacks. He is well supplied and will share - throughout the whole next month. Cards and letters are so helpful and supportive. I can't help imagining, them creating and paving a clear pathway for his journey back to the United States.

Exactly what he is doing over there may not be known to us - but what is evident - he is being committed and brave. Their missions I am told by the Commander's wife are going well and they are doing excellent and effective work. I wish the media told us, showed more of this aspect. Their unit has taken some injuries but none life threatening. The danger lies in the nature of their work and those who want to stop them in their progress but as Micah says over and over again - "We're ready - We're prepared," and I'm sure they are but I am still gonna bath him (them) in prayer and gushing exhortations of support and encouragement. I have heard many of you express the same.



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Micah and everyone...

Oh, Let me be the first to say congrats on your new baby sister, Emy (all right, Emy is a Jack Russell Terrier puppy). She is soooo darn cute, I can't wait to get pictures of you two together!

Now for the boring stuff:

Colts won their last game to Miami, just thought I would throw that in this email...playoffs start on Saturday...GO COLTS !!!

The weather here in Indy has been great...in the 50s for the past 3 weeks...love it!!

It was so great to hear from you, it made my New Year's day and year(for those of you who are tuning in, yes I have a wonderful nephew who cares enough to call his Crazy Aunt from Iraq)! What a guy!

Micah...Be safe...Take care and know that you are loved!!

HAPPY 2007 ... the year you come home from Iraq !!! We are counting the days!!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Micah and everyone...

I hope you are all doing well.

It's been a few weeks since I have emailed you...sorry, work is picking up and Uncle Jeff (Wiley) is just working me to death! Poor me! It's that time of year for the mortgage busniess to pick back up! Well at least if I'm working it keeps me out of trouble or at least from spending money! I need to go to EBay Anonymous!

Indy finally had it's first snow on Sunday, about 4 inches. The Dogs were loving it. They played in it for half the morning and I got some great pictures. I will email them to you when I get them down loaded.

This is a great day here in Indy...Yes the Colts are going to the Super Bowl...YIPPEE!!!! It was a nail biter of a game but we did it. I hope you were able to watch the game in Iraq. I'm soooo happy! Poor Uncle Scott but it's about time the Patriots gave some else a turn. The Bears are going down! GO COLTS...They Rock!!!

Well that's all for now. We miss you and love you. One day closer to you coming home...YEAH! Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Your writings are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I think about you all the time and know we are grateful that you and all the others are keeping us safe. Come home asap.

Anonymous said...

I have a difficult time getting this straight. Must be old age. I have sent several messages that haven't gone through. Your Krazy Aunt Kathy has written some lovely thoughts. I didn't know she had this wonderful talent. Thank you Krazy Aunt Kathy for sharing.