Friday, November 10, 2006

November - So much to be thankful for...

...only 10.5 months to go. I talked with Micah on AIM on Tuesday 11/7. I am so thankful for the technology of our time. So far every two weeks is long enough, I can't imagine not hearing for months or more as it was for other mothers who had sons at war not that long ago. He was doing well. Here he is in the computer room - Micah is on the left.

He has been really busy and they work hard. They have been out on a couple of missions. We don't know where. He said they have all gone well and that he and all his buddy’s are all ok.
The weather has been cooler there. Around 68-72 F. I thought that would feel better to them with all the gear they have to wear. Micah said that he has become so acclimated to the heat that now that temperatures have dropped he actually feels a little cold.

I watch two time zones and check two weather reports but it has been hard to picture him half a world away.

So I hope these pictures give you an idea of where he is and what he's doing. It helped me to see his face.

Speaking of his face. Look at him in THIS picture.
See that look? For 21 years - that is the same expression that would say, "Mom see what I found?" Just then it use to be slugs, frogs, worms, spiders, slime - snakes! Some things haven't changed - my reply hasn't - I still say - "MICAH PUT THAT DOWN!"

Micah wants to post his THANKS for all the cards, letters and packages you have all sent. They mean so much to him. He is so grateful for your support and prayers. Please also pray and think of those men who stand with him and work beside him. Their lives depend on each other. Remember all Veterans with honor and thanksgiving this week. Our land remains great and free because of their sacrifice and service to our country.
Micah sends his love. Misses us all. God Bless You All!


Anonymous said...

Yo Micah and everyone...

Thanks for the pictures... I love them.

As always, please becare (put that dirty bomb down). We love you and miss you very much!!

Crazy Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

That's be careful!!! Me and my typos! No one said I could type! Now everyone knows how I got my name Crazy Aunt Kathy!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah!!! I have to start with the "My how you've grown!" comment:) Both Uncle Craig and I want you to know that we LOVE you, we are PROUD of you, and we are PRAYING for you. ( and of course, we MISS you too!) I'm with Crazy Aunt Kathy and your Mom... Micah put that thing down!! I want you to know that the students at the school where I teach all are praying for you and your unit. Be safe and trust God. Love ya! Aunt Jeannie P.S. Michael, Lauren and Rebecca say Hi too! P.S.S. Stay away from the egg nog!